Alphonsa Arts And Science College have vast collection of books, journals and Periodicals.
The Library provides various services to aid research and independent learning. This Library stimulates the students to obtain, evaluate and recognize knowledge and to familiarize themselves with the trends of knowledge for further education and learning new disciplines.
Prof.T. Mohanbabu foundation library is named after principal Mohanbabu. It was set up in 2013 with less than Two Thousand Books.
Our mission is to fecilitate convenient and user friendly access of information needs of the academic fraternity of Alphonsa to meet their teaching, training and learning requirements.
Our library is a comfortable place to study, to investigate a topic of interest or to enjoy reading subject books journals and general magazines. Students have free access to study various books and magazines.
The strength of our library is its 7000+ collections accessible through college id card.
Our college has a well-equipped library with more than 8000 documents. The library is open from 8.30 am to 4 pm. On all working days, including Saturdays. The library has the following facilities
Total no of books |
7850 |
Journals |
17 |
News Papers |
7 |
English |
1146 |
Malayalam |
2200 |
Commerce |
1510 |
Chemistry |
410 |
Travel and Tourism |
480 |
Economics |
456 |
Physics |
301 |
442 |
Journalism |
220 |
Library Rules
- Identity card issued by the college should be produced at the counter before entering the library
- The library reading area will be open from 9:30 am to 4 pm on working days and Saturdays
- Silence should be maintained inside the library
- The books issued must be returned within 14 days from the date of issue.
- Students are not allowed to carry their bags inside the library. They can carry white paper and
pen only.
- The librarian can request to recall any book from any member and is liable to return the same
within the stipulated time.
- The use of mobile phones is not allowed inside the library.
Borrowing and Returning of Books
- Students and teachers can borrow books from the library on producing their identity card
- Reference books cannot be issued.
- Before leaving the counter, the borrower should inspect the book that was provided to them
and report any damage, etc. to the staff.
- Normally the loan period for a book is 14 days but the librarian reserves to call back the book at
any time.
- The librarian can extent loan period of books.
- If the library book is not returned by the due date or on time, a fine of Rs. 1 will be charged per
day on each book.
- Circulation section
- Reference section
- Reading area
- Stack room
- Technical section
- Magazines and Newspaper section
- New arrivals section
ICT Enabled Services
- Automated library with Koha software
- Web OPAC (online public access catalogue)
- Bar-code technology for the circulation of documents.